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Little Blue Lemon WINS Best Wedding Photographer in Toronto & GTA 2020

We are so excited to share the news that we have WON Best Wedding Photographer Toronto from BestForBride! We never shy away from accolades and it's always such a self esteem boost to be recognized for what we do.

Let's be honest, the Coronavirus Pandemic has caused the wedding industry to pause. We are all hopeful that weddings will resume as planned in the summer months but for now, many of our spring weddings have had to postpone into the fall. We truly miss the creativity of weddings, we miss our couples and we miss being behind a camera LOL. Having something like this happen puts a smile on our face and helps to inspire us to push through.

Thank you Best For Bride for voting Little Blue Lemon as Best Wedding Photographer in Toronto and GTA 2020!

Check out the article below!

Check out our other awards on our Press Page



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